Addendum-2 ⁓ Queen Elizabeth II ⁓ the Fixed Sign Cross & Transits of Her Passing

Astrology Chart-Queen Elizabeth II's birth and passing-Fixed Sign Cross

[Links to Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7.2, 8, 8.2, 8.2 Addendum 1]

In Part 8.2 of this series I discussed the fixed-sign axis and grand cross of the August Full Moon (Sun and Moon respectively at 19° Leo-Aquarius, and Mars-Uranus-North Node in Taurus opposite the South Node in Scorpio) in relation to the Leo-Aquarius axis of Sri Aurobindo's natal sun position (22° Leo) and Mitra's seat at the 8 Point of the Vedic Year (20° Aquarius). I also discussed the challenging and dismantling energies that the ongoing fixed-sign Saturn-Uranus square impose on our world, especially for those whose natal charts are directly impacted by the fixed-sign transits.[1] [2]

I am not going to go into a full analysis of Queen Elizabeth II’s chart or transits, I just want to illustrate that for her, the challenging and dismantling energies of the fixed sign transits on her natal fixed-sign T-square (Neptune at 22° Leo opposite Jupiter-Mars at 20°/22° Aquarius, both square Saturn at 24° Scorpio, as shown in the inner circle above) amounted to her passing. Her natal Sun and Moon also fall in the fixed signs of Taurus and Leo, but not within a 10° of orb of her T-square. Note that the exact time of the Queen's mid-afternoon passing, on 8 September 2022 has not been announced. The above transits were calculated using an approximate 2:30 p.m. time of death. Though mourned by many, the Queen’s passing is a symbol of the dying institution of Monarchy which thrived in the Age of Pisces but is out of place and dissolving in the Age of Aquarius. She passed at the age of 96, in a 6 Power year, which is fitting in terms of Thea's (Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet's) cosmology, wherein the 6/Saturn Point of the evolutionary cycle imposes either the contractions of death or a rebirth and expansion into higher realms of consciousness and manifestation. Given that Queen Elizabeth was born in the 9 Power year of 1926, not only did she pass at the age of 96, she passed 96 years, or more specifically 96.69 years into the Age of Aquarius, according to Thea's measure and seeing of the Ages.

The conjunction of Saturn and the Moon at 20° Aquarius circa the time of the Queen's passing is especially notable in relation to what I discussed in Part 8.2 regarding Mitra's seat at 20° Aquarius. If we compare the chart of the August 2022 Full Moon in Aquarius (see Part 8.2) and the chart of 8 September 2022, 2:30 p.m. above, we can see that the Moon returned to a conjunction with the 8 Point (Mitra's seat), conjunct Saturn and square Uranus, circa the time of the Queen’s passing. 

As discussed by Thea, the Moon and Saturn have a special temporal relationship and cosmological harmony. Whereas it takes the Moon 29.5 days to move through all twelve of the zodiacal signs, it takes Saturn 29.5 years to do the same. In the following excerpt, Thea rounded 29.5 days and years down to 29.

"Saturn is equal to the Moon because Saturn takes 29 years to complete a round of the zodiac, or to make one revolution of the Sun, and the Moon takes 29 days to make one synodic revolution; in the system of Secondary Progressions of the analysis of a natal horoscope, the Moon requires 29 years, like Saturn's period of revolution, to make one complete round, meeting in this way the transit of Saturn. [*] The two bodies are intimately linked in time, therefore carrying this link into the lives of the inhabitants of Earth, because the Moon is our satellite. It is for this reason that Saturn is such a vitally important planet in our destinies, both individual and collective. ‒ The Gnostic Circle, p. 137

The Moon will return to a conjunction with Saturn and Mitra's seat again on 5 October 2022, the same week that Saturn and Uranus come into their closest square of 2022. From 1-12 October both planets will be transiting the same degree of their respective fixed signs ‒ 18° Aquarius/Taurus ‒ 90° apart, and the energies of the Saturn-Uranus square will be at their peak during that time. 

2016-2025 Ennead, 1 October 2022 marking entrance into Capricorn
These first 12 days of October 2022 are also cosmologically potent given that, in terms of our current ennead (2016-2025), October 1st marks the completion of our 9-month sojourn through Sagittarius (1 January – 1 October 2022), and likewise our entrance into Capricorn, ushering us into the last three signs and highest quadrant of the enneadic and zodiacal cycle (1 October 2022 - 1 January 2025). 2 October 2022, in turn, marks the 6-year anniversary of the release of the geometric and zodiacal sense of the Vedic rivers and of the Vedic Kumbha, 9 months and 1 day into the 9-power year of 2016 and into the ennead of 2016-2025. 9 October 2022 marks the 6-year anniversary of Thea's passing followed by her cremation two days later on the 2016 Vijaya Dashami celebration in India (the 10th day of Durga's Victory). [A larger and clearer version of the image to the right is found in Part 6.]

The last thing I want to add to this addendum, is that in my view the fixed sign transits I have been discussing in Part 8 are encouraging, however difficult, because the Time-Spirit of Saturn [3] has been prominently occupying and energizing Mitra’s seat, Mitra being a Lord and a principle guardian of Ritam [=the Law of Truth & Order], as well as a Lord of Harmony, Love and Light who conquers ignorance and "leads men toward the Truth”. His and Varuna's invincible weapon is the Divine Maya (=measure) which Sri Aurobindo equated with “the divine truth-knowledge”.

"[When the Divine Flame, Agni] is entirely delivered and fulfilled out of the envelope of the world’s crookednesses, this deity of flame and force is revealed as the solar godhead of love and harmony and light, Mitra, who leads men towards the Truth." ‒ Sri Aurobindo, The Secret of the Veda, CWSA, Vol. 15, p. 387 

“It is by the Maya, the divine truth-knowledge of the Lord, that [Mitra and Varuna] rain down heaven; that divine knowledge is the Sun, the Light, the weapon of Mitra and Varuna ranging abroad to destroy the ignorance.” – Ibid., p. 522

We have many examples of crooked leaders and public figures in our world who feed on falsehood, chaos, fear, deceit and ill-will towards large swaths of humanity, and who abuse the law to further their own interests. In our digital age, such figures simply cannot avoid amplifying and exposing their own toxic-consciousness, hastening their own demise. 

In Thea’s cosmology such self-sabotage or self-dismantling (which effects all of humanity in its current condition) is the result of what amounts to a miscarriage of the Soul's Light in the course of our development. The accumulation, crystallization and stagnation of our Self-Ignorance (and Cosmic-Ignorance) creates an increasingly toxic womb in the 8th stage of the zodiacal journey (the fixed water sign of Scorpio). Subsequently, the 9th stage (the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius) demands either the destruction of the obstacles that prevent the birth and emergence of our truth-conscious Soul, or the destruction of that which is unable to be born out of the dark womb (Diti) of our egoic-mental consciousness. The contractions and formidable pressures of the 6 Point of 0° Sagittarius – Saturn's/Chronos's seat in the Gnostic Circle/Vedic Year) – serve to either quicken and solidify the birth of our Soul's truth-consciousness-force, bliss and divine light in the material world or the dissolution of that which is no longer viable in a developmental and evolutionary sense. 

This “birth” is necessarily a purification and dissolution of our former ignorance, which is the task we now face in our Age of Aquarius [= the Age of Mitra] within the 9th (Sagittarius) Manifestation of the Maha Yuga cycle, which Thea wrote of as the Age of Supermind. In this evolutionary stage and age, our supramental truth-consciousness is being born forward from the unillumined womb of our Physical, Vital and Mental Being. The more attached to the "old womb" of our our individual and collective ignorance we are, the more difficult the birth.

In my view, Saturn's transits conjunct Mitra's seat in Aquarius and square Uranus (=Varuna in Thea's writings) throughout 2022, have been functioning as an accelerant in our collective birth and dissolution process, putting extreme pressures on our toxic ideas, structures, institutions, and facades that are anchored in our mental-egoic Ignorance and are thus bound to be dismantled (purified) by our higher Truth, Law, Order, Love, etc., as it emerges in our consciousness and in our world.


* 10 Dec 2022 note: a reader pointed out to me that this statement in grey highlight (from The Gnostic Circle) is a little off, given that the Moon returns to its natal position via secondary progression in approximately 27-28 years, not 29 years. Also, to be a little more specific, the Moon's synodic month is 29.5 days (New Moon to New Moon), corresponding to the 29.5 Year of Saturn (its orbit around the Sun). 

[1] See Part 8.2.  

[2] Astrologer Brandon Russ has some good incites on the Saturn-Uranus Square in relation to world affairs.

Saturn Square Uranus Update 9.18.22 

Saturn Uranus Square -DeSantis, Garland, and more [Sep 17, 2022]

Putin/Zelensky to "Square off" with Saturn and Uranus! Judgement day!  

[3] Below are some of Thea’s writings on Saturn in relation to the Mother, the Mother’s Temple and Time. As I illustrated in Part 8.2, the Mother's North Node (22°  Aquarius) is conjunct Mitra's seat at the 8 Point of the Vedic Year/Gnostic Circle.

“[T]he Mother's position on the Sacred Triangle is the 6 point, Saturn's point.” – The New Way, Vols. 1&2, p. 245


“In the pattern of the [Supramental] Descent it must be remembered that the Mother occupies the position of 6; thus by destiny she was obliged to concretise the essence of Saturn in the Earth's evolutionary scheme; she was obliged by her inherent dharma to crystallise the cosmic womb which was to contain the new consciousness.” – Ibid., pp. 271-72


“[The Inner Chamber of the Mother’s Temple] is the abode of Saturn, the planet in the celestial harmony that epitomises the passage  of Time…. The Chamber is the magical dwelling place of the Time-Spirit; the Time-Spirit in the planetary harmony is Saturn; Saturn in the creative OM is the cosmic manifestation." – Ibid., p. 197


“[T]he Time-Spirit Saturn [is] the essence of the Mother's chamber.” – Ibid., p. 329


“We must emphasise again that Saturn is the planetary/harmonic essence of the Mother’s temple. The entire structure, inner and outer, is a hymn to the 6th planet. And since the Mother herself occupies the 6th position on the descending number-planetary scale of 9/6/3/0-1 of the Solar Line, Supermind arranged the revelation of this model of Saturn – her own ‘pulse’ or cosmic note – through the Mother herself.” – Chronicles of the Inner Chamber, "Update 8: Supermind organises the conditions for its manifestation"

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