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Operation Al Aqsa Flood & the Signs and Symbols of the Vedic Apocalypse ~ Part 1 ~ 7.10.2023

7.10, Satkona & a 7.10.2023 vigil in Tel Aviv  (Lori Tompkins 8.15.2024) .  Inspired by   vigils bearing 7.10 or 7.10.23 in lights .  "Impelled, increased, or "made vast" by his seven mothers , [the Divine] Son, Agni as the 9-rayed Horse/Sage, passes through TEN months of the Zodiac, arriving at his goal (=Kumbha/Jar, reservoir, the gods' banquet, assembly, etc.). In several hymns the Vedic Son/Sage is said to be beautified, purified, or whitened by his seven rivers (=songs, drops, thoughts, floods, etc.) and by " ten fingers ", equivalent to the ten months of his gestation." – “The Sacred Geometry & Vedic Origin of the Alchemical Rebis and Philosopher's Stone” , 13 September 2023 Since October of 2016 I have been discussing the forgotten geometric and zodiacal sense of the Rig Veda and its central theme – the Apocalypse or unveiling of the FLOOD-born Divine Son-Sage (aka Agni) from which arose our world’s post-Vedic fractured religio

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