Turkey’s Twin Earthquakes– a Cosmological View

Geo-Cosmology of the Turkey earthquakes (6 Feb 2023), image by Lori Tompkins

Turkey Earthquakes, 6 Feb 2023, Wikipedia
I have not given up on the task of finishing my current series “The Spherical Gnosis of the Sage & the Release of the Vedic Waters”. The final parts are mostly written but still need some significant work and editing. Before getting to that, I am going to briefly discuss some of the cosmology and symbols of Turkey’s twin earthquakes in the month of Aquarius in the 7 Power year of 2023 (2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7). The first of the two quakes ‒ a magnitude 7.8 on the Richter scale (USGS) [1] ‒ struck at 37° Latitude and 37° Longitude (37.166°N 37.032°E), and the second ‒ a magnitude 7.5 on the Richter scale (USGS)  ‒ was a bit northeast at 38.0235°N 37.203°E. Interestingly enough the number 37 repeats itself in the date of the earthquakes, given that 6 February is the 37th day (=37°) of the Gregorian calendar year, 1 January being the first day.

Together, these twin quakes (9 hours apart) caused the collapse of an estimated 6,400 of buildings, damaging tens of thousands more, making it painfully apparent that these buildings were not adequately constructed and fortified for the known seismic dangers of the region’s triple junction of tectonic plates. Approximately 53,000 people perished in these poorly constructed buildings. The images of the pancake collapse of multiple buildings and the aftermath in Turkey and Syria is reminiscent of the collapsing of the Twin Towers (and WTC Building/Tower 7) of 9-11. However, whereas the 9-11 collapses were contained or limited to a relatively small geographic area and a relatively small number of casualties in terms of the major impact that it had on the world, the twin quakes of 6 February effected wide-spread collapse across two countries and exponentially more mass-casualties. And, whereas 9-11 was a fully man-made disaster,—entirely born of humanity’s dimly-lit binary-mental consciousness and utilized as a catalyst by the United States to wage war in the Islamic countries of Afghanistan and Iraq—, the disaster of 6 February, which spread across the predominantly Islamic countries of Turkey and Syria, was not entirely man-made and had absolutely nothing to do with religious dogma, beliefs, extremism and terrorism or with geo-political machinations. The Earth’s own natural movements catalyzed the demolition of thousands of man-made structures that were built with little to no regard for the tectonic realities of that region of the Earth and no regard for the human life that would perish in the unfortified buildings. 

Thus, the devastation of 6 February can be seen as a real symbol of the collapse of man-made structures that are grossly out of touch with the movements and realities of the Earth (=the Divine Feminine) as well as out of touch with the formidable pressures of Time/Chronos. The dramatic collapse of old and inadequate structures in Turkey and Syria can be seen as an appropriate symbol of the Aquarian Age Apocalypse wherein the unveiling or awakening of our Truth-Consciousness, by whatever name (divine, solar, spherical, supramental, etc.) unceremoniously dismantles the falsehoods and inadequacies of the old and short-sighted binary-mental-egoic consciousness.

Number Powers

The repetition of the number 37 (= 36 + 1 = 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 1) in the dimensions of both Space and Time is an especially interesting feature of the 6 February quakes. Via Theosophical Addition (i.e., the process of “casting out nines”) 37 reduces to 10 and further to 1 (3 + 7 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1). In Thea’s spherical, supramental cosmology and teachings, the number 10 speaks of the ONE/Divine Son born out the full 360° cycle/circle of 9, equivalent to Vishnu’s final Avatar, Kalki, who restores the Eternal Truth/Law (Sanatana Dharma) in our world.

In terms of individual number power, Thea saw the number 3—the number-power of her own birth year (1938), situated at 0° Leo in the Zodiac—as the number (or orbit) of the Earth and the Moon in our solar system, as well as the number corresponding to the Divine Individual – the Daughter-Child of the Divine Transcendent “Father” (9) and the Divine Cosmic “Mother” (6). In The New Way, Vols. 1&2 she wrote of the 3 Point/Power of the circle (of 9 and 12) as the “the new-born Soul of the Earth” that is the basis of the “gnostic society” arising on Earth in our Age of Aquarius. [2] In The Gnostic Circle (1975), she discussed the 3 Point/Power of the circle in terms of the activation of the soul’s inner guidance. “[T]he accomplishment of the 3 Point”, she wrote, is “the soul realisation”. She saw the number 7 (situated at 10° Capricorn in the Zodiac/Gnostic Circle) and 7 powered years, such as our current year, as corresponding to the revolutionary energies of the seventh planet of Uranus, which co-rules Aquarius (=Kumbha) with Saturn. 

“[T]he number 7 which is 'the unexpected', 'the revolutionary', 'the transforming'. It is a power that indicates an intense 'shake up', a shaking of the foundations in order to eliminate the weak, the untruthful, the elements that refuse to change and that obstruct the descent and manifestation of the New. But the seven power and events arising out of its vibratory womb are only the initial happenings. The major feature of the number is 'the unexpected', thus it brings forward the very elements it seeks to overcome and to transform by allowing them an exultant rise, and in this way to cleanse the collective consciousness of the dead past and thereby open the doors to the new life.” – Thea, The New Way, Vols. 1&2, p. 159

“Uranus is the planet of Transformation and consequently when its power is first felt it tends to act in a revolutionary manner, stirring up all that has become erroneously settled in order that new seeds be sown in the dimensions of consciousness. It is the ruler of the transitional phase; it is the ruler of Aquarius, the age the Earth has just entered.” – Ibid., p. 487 [Bold emphasis added]

Seven – the Number Power of the Apocalypse 

The astrological association of the seventh planet Uranus with the sudden shocks, breakthroughs, and transformation and the significance of the number 7 throughout our world’s ancient texts, myths, and religions are directly connected to the mythology of the Vedic Apocalypse, wherein seven rivers give birth to the Divine Sage-Son (Warrior, Hero, Savior, etc.). Upon his birth, together with Indra, this Sage-Son releases or pours out these rivers (=mothers, sisters, cows, mares, floods, drops of soma, etc.) from the hold or veils of Ignorance, and from their cave, container, or vessel (=the Aquarian Kumbha/Jar), thereby uplifting humanity (the “Man” of Aquarius) to the solar, spherical, and divine consciousness of the gods. This Vedic and zodiacal mythology is the forgotten basis of St. John’s Revelation/Apocalypse wherein seven bowls or vials are poured out upon the world in conjunction with the birth of the Divine Son (=the Lamb of God), as well as the forgotten basis of the astrological symbolism of the pouring out of the Aquarian Water Jar (Kumbha). 

The Tower Card in the 1909 Rider–Waite tarot deck
In the pre-biblical Vedic Apocalypse—which is equivalent to the un-eclipsing of Mankind’s divine truth & light—the thunder god Indra hurls down a heavenly bolt of lightning, instantly shattering the structures, coverings and veils of Ignorance and Falsehood (=the accumulated obstructions of the fixed water sign of Scorpio), which had previously obstructed the free flow of the wisdom and purifying force of the seven rivers and their Divine Son. In the Tarot deck, this ancient Apocalypse, shows up as the Tower Card – bearing the number 16 (1 + 6 = 7) – depicting a man-made tower destroyed by a lightning strike and fire, and two people falling out of the building headfirst towards the ground. This card, similar to the seventh planet Uranus, is said to signify “danger, crisis, sudden change, destruction, higher learning, and liberation”. [3] From an evolutionary standpoint, the lightning-strike demolition of the Tower can be seen as a fitting symbol of the quick and forceful dismantling not only of old, brittle and obsolete structures of our civilization, but also of the old, brittle and obsolete, linear-binary consciousness that created those structures. 

It is worth noting here that the 7-power day of 7 February 2023 (the day after the twin earthquakes in Turkey) marked the 7-year anniversary of the initial 2016 download that led to the release (8 months later) of the geometric and zodiacal sense of these long veiled (=long-occulted) and long-misunderstood Vedic and Biblical symbols. And as I have discussed elsewhere, I consider my birth in the 7-power year of 1969 in the Uranian-ruled month of Aquarius to be integrally, cohesively, and supramentally connected to the 2016 download I received regarding the release of the seven rivers, vials or bowls of the Vedic and Biblical Apocalypse, equivalent in zodiacal lore to the release of the Aquarian Water Jar/Kumbha. It is also worth noting that the first day of our current 7-power year marked the 54-year anniversary of the Mother's pivotal experience, at the age of 90, of  "the descent of the superman consciousness" in the 7-power year of 1969.

Geo-Cosmology and Astrology

Similar to the geo-cosmology of Russia’s initial 24 February 2022 invasion of Ukraine (see “The Convergence of Putin’s War & the Mother’s 144-Year Birth Anniversary ⁓ A Cosmological Perspective”), the geo-cosmological placement of the Turkey/Syria earthquakes fell in the sign of Aquarius, both in latitude and longitude. 

The coordinates of the first 7-plus earthquake of 6 February (37.166°N, 37.032°E) correspond approximately to 50' Aquarius latitude and 22° 58' Aquarius longitude. The second 7-plus quake (38.0235°N, 37.203°E) correspond approximately to 8° 01' Aquarius latitude and 22° 48' Aquarius longitude.

Seismic impact map and Geo-Cosmology of Turkey earthquakes (6 Feb 2023)

Whereas Putin’s February 2022 invasion of Ukraine began in the sun sign or zodiacal month of Pisces, the Turkey/Syria earthquake struck in the sun sign of Aquarius. Thus, this 2023 shock was fully Aquarian in the dimensions of both Space and Time. Also, if we convert the magnitude of the earthquakes into the dimensions and units of the circle of 9 and signs of the Zodiac, the 7.8 power of the initial earthquake corresponds to 12° Aquarius and the 7.5 magnitude of the second corresponds to 0° Aquarius. [4]

The geo-cosmological position of 7°-8° Aquarius latitude squared the 6 February position of the Lunar Nodes at 7° Taurus/Scorpio; and 22°-23° Aquarius longitude conjuncted the 6 February position of Saturn (26° Aquarius), within a 3° orb. The 22°-23° Aquarius longitude of the two earthquakes is intriguing in relation to what I have repeatedly illustrated and discussed regarding the Mother’s 22° Aquarius North Node, conjunct Mitra’s seat (20° Aquarius), conjunct my natal sun (24° Aquarius), and opposite Sri Aurobindo’s 22° Leo natal sun. In “The Obstruction of the Vedic Waters & the Fixed Water Sign Scorpio ⁓ Part 8.2 ⁓ The 8 Point of the Vedic Year” I discussed and illustrated this zodiacal axis in relation to the 11 August 2022 Full Moon in Aquarius, wherein the Sun and Moon were positioned opposite each other respectively at 19° Leo/Aquarius, square the Lunar Nodes, Uranus and Mars in the Taurus/Scorpio. Saturn’s position in this chart was positioned at 22° Aquarius, conjunct the Full Moon in Aquarius.

Vishnu's Fixed Sign Cross - 11 August 2022 Full Moon in Aquarius (Lori Tompkins)
“The month of Leo (2022) brought with it some potent astrological transits, including a rare Mars-Uranus-North Node conjunction at 18° Taurus, opposite the South Node at 18° Scorpio, both squaring Saturn at 22° Aquarius. On the Full Moon of 11 August, the Sun and Moon (19° Leo/Aquarius) axis lined up with Saturn and formed a Fixed Sign Grand Cross, squaring the Lunar Nodes, Uranus and Mars, highlighting all four of Vishnu’s fixed or preservation signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius – the full original Sphinx of the Zodiac (Bull, Lion, Eagle and Man). I have highlighted this Grand Cross above, and marked the 8 Point (20° Aquarius) of the Vedic/Zodiacal Year.

“In this installment of the series I will attempt to flush out the significance of the 8 Point– which Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet (Thea) saw as Mitra’s seat – in relation to current transits and events and in relation to the Supramental Yoga of Sri Aurobindo, whose natal Sun position or solar seat in the Zodiac is 22° Leo, i.e., opposite Mitra’s seat at 20° Aquarius, via 2° orb.” – "The Obstruction of the Vedic Waters & the Fixed Water Sign Scorpio ⁓ Part 8.2 ⁓ The 8 Point of the Vedic Year" (3 September 2022)

When the Moon returned to conjunct Saturn at 20° Aquarius that next month, Queen Elizabeth II passed.

“The conjunction of Saturn and the Moon at 20° Aquarius circa the time of the Queen's passing is especially notable in relation to what I discussed in Part 8.2 regarding Mitra's seat at 20° Aquarius. If we compare the chart of the August 2022 Full Moon in Aquarius (see Part 8.2) and the chart of 8 September 2022, 2:30 p.m. above, we can see that the Moon returned to a conjunction with the 8 Point (Mitra's seat), conjunct Saturn and square Uranus, circa the time of the Queen’s passing.” – "Addendum-2 ⁓ Queen Elizabeth II ⁓ the Fixed Sign Cross & Transits of Her Passing" (22 September 2022)

The first earthquake of 6 February took place half a year (or more precisely 179 days) after that Full Moon in Aquarius (11 August 2022), seven hours after the Full Moon in Leo wherein the Sun and Moon were positioned directly opposite each other at 16° Aquarius/Leo, again conjunct and opposite Mitra’s seat (via a 4° orb). Notably, the February Full Moon in Leo closely conjuncted, opposed and squared the midpoints of Vishnu’s fixed sign crossi.e., the Intercardinal Points of 15° Taurus, 15° Leo, 15° Scorpio, 15° Aquariusthat forms the central X of Earth’s Solar/Zodiacal Year. 16° Aquarius and 16° Leo can both be considered 7 powered (and thus Uranian in nature) by adding the 1 and 6 of 16. However, when we add the full count of the degrees within the 360° circle — 16° Leo = 136° and 16° Aquarius = 316° — both of these degrees reduce, like the number 37, to 10 via the sum of 1, 3, and 6, which further reduces to 1 when we cast out the nine (3 + 6 = 9).

Vishnu's Fixed Sign Cross - Astrology Chart of the Turkey Earthquakes-6 February 2023, Full Moon in Leo (Lori Tompkins)

The image above shows the Moon (20° Leo) having moved slightly beyond its direct opposition to the Sun (16° Aquarius) at the time of the 7.8 earthquake, and it shows the flipped oppositions of the Sun and the Moon. Note that any two Full Moons falling six months (half a year) apart will be flipped conjunct the same zodiacal axis. The Moon’s position at 20° Leo at the time of the first earthquake puts it in direct opposition to Mitra’s seat in the Zodiac (20° Aquarius), and opposite the 22° Aquarius longitudinal position of the Turkey earthquakes.

“[W]hen you see things with [the Supramental] Consciousness, the PERFECTION of the organization is so TREMENDOUS that you are … you’re almost terrified!… We are in the presence of hidden wonders that elude us completely because we’re idiots. There. But with this Consciousness, there is the why of everything...." – The Mother, 3 May 1969, The Mother's Agenda, Vol. 10

From the vantage point of the all-encompassing supramental consciousness, no detail of our individual or collective lives and circumstance – i.e. of our evolution – is random. Everything is a living and real symbol that can be read like the proverbial writing on the wall. With this in mind, the events of 6 February 2023 in the Aquarian quadrant of Earth can be seen as an intensified and concentrated view and symbol of what will no longer be allowed to stand in our world as we progress through the Age of Aquarius. This intensification and concentration has corresponded with Saturn’s movement through Aquarius (co-ruled by Saturn and Uranus) since the March Equinox of 2000. The collapse of the OLD will continue to intensify after Saturn moves out of Aquarius on 7/8 March 2023, thanks to Pluto’s movement into Aquarius just after the 2023 March Equinox, where it will remain (save a 9 months sojourn back into Capricorn) until 2044. [5] Pluto presents the energies of deep transformation based on core truths that can no longer be hidden or repressed, and structures, beliefs and ideas that can no longer be defended and sustained. Pluto transiting through Aquarius promises to be a time of global transformation fueled by Aquarian and Uranian rebellion against toxic structures, ignorance and ideas which obstruct the free-flow and experience of our Truth, Consciousness and Bliss (Sat-Chit-Ananda).

The 2016-2025 Ennead 

The last thing I want to note regarding the Turkey earthquakes and disaster is that, in terms of our current 9-year cycle or ennead (2016-2025), 6 February 2023 fell in the triṁśamśā (=zodiacal degree) of 14° Capricorn, one degree shy of 15° Capricorn which Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet discussed at length in The New Way, Vols. 1 & 2, as corresponding not only to her 5 January birthday, but also to the peak of Mt. Meru (Mt. Kailash) in the Himalayas, known as Shiva’s seat in Hindu mythology. 

“[T]he five degrees on the Gnostic Circle between Varuna (10° Capricorn [=the 7/Uranus Point of the Zodiac]) and the Eye of Shiva (15° Capricorn) are the 'degrees of the Room [=the inner chamber of the Mother’s Temple]'. Varuna thus opens the doors to this chamber of new knowledge that is eternal and indeed lets 'new truth be born'.” – Thea, The New Way, Vols. 1&2, p. 392 [Text in brackets added.]

Thea saw Varuna as equivalent to the 7th planet Uranus, seated at 10° Capricorn – the 7 Point – of the Zodiac/Gnostic Circle. [6] In terms of enneadic cycles, 15-24 February of any 7-power year (including 2023) corresponds to 15° Capricorn. [7] 1 July 2023 will mark our enneadic entrance into the sign of Aquarius. 9 months later, on 1 April 2024 we will enter into Pisces, the last sign of the ennead. 9 months after that we will complete the current ennead and begin a new 9-year cycle (ennead) on 1 January 2025.

2016-2025 Ennead, highlighting the Cancer-Capricorn and Leo-Aquarius axes of the Zodiac (Lori Tompkins)


[1] GEOSCOPE measured the magnitude of these two earthquakes, respectively as 8.0 and 7.7.

[2] Thea, The New Way, Vols. 1 & 2, p. 332

[3] Wikipedia, The Tower (tarot card), symbolism.

[4] (7.8 ÷ 9) x 360° = 312° = 12° Aquarius
      (7.5 ÷ 9) x 360° = 300° = 0° Aquarius

[5] See: Pluto in Aquarius 2023-2044: A Transformation of Ideals (Fran Xin Yi, January 5, 2023) for a timeline of Pluto’s movement (direct and retrograde) through Aquarius. From that article: “Pluto in Aquarius will unfold a new era of transforming toxicity in the realm of politics, humanitarianism, social justice, science, technology, social media, and the internet. Additionally, this transit will affect our notion of freedom and free speech. We will experience revolution surrounding our relationship to power and control.”

[6] In 1934 Georges Dumézil identified the Vedic god Varuna as the 7th planet Uranus. Many however associate Varuna with the 8th planet Neptune. The confusion is due to Varuna being both a god of the sky (Ouranos) and of the waters (Neptune). In The Secret of the Veda Sri Aurobindo briefly referred to this split-view of Varuna. He wrote, "[I]t is obvious that Varuna is not merely a Vedic Uranus or Neptune, but a god with great and important moral functions." In Thea's view Varuna, whose vahana (vehicle) is a crocodile/makara, is equivalent the 7th planet Uranus, seated at the 7 Point (10° Capricorn/Makar) of the Vedic Year (=the Zodiac and Gnostic Circle), and Mitra (=the Friend) is equivalent to the 8th planet Neptune (god of the sea), seated at the 8 Point (20° Aquarius) of the Zodiac.

[7] Likewise, 6-15 February of each 7-powered year is equivalent to the triṁśamśā of 14° Capricorn in the enneadic cycle. Thus, my 12 February birth in 1969 fell three days shy of the 15° Capricorn triṁśamśā in the ennead of 1962-1971, and the Mother's 91st birthday, 9 days later on 21 February 1969, fell in the 15° Capricorn triṁśamśā.

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