Perfection in Detail - The Supramental Consciousness-Force (Addendum 1)

Addendum 1 of "Operation Al Aqsa Flood & the Signs and Symbols of the Vedic Apocalypse"  

Below are quotes from The Mother's Agenda, and from the writings of Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet regarding the material and temporal precision or perfection in detail that is a defining quality of the Supramental Consciousness-Force at work in the world and likewise is a defining quality of what it is to possess a Supramental view and understanding of our individual and collective unfolding in the world. I will add more quotes to this addendum as I come across relevant material.

The Mother  1 May 1958 

I saw there (center of the heart) the Master of the Yoga…. He does everything, he decides everything, he organizes everything with an almost mathematical precision and in the smallest details – everything.


12 November 12, 1964  

[T]here was this vision (Mother holds out a note):

"When the truth manifests, the false vibration disappears ...

Disappears, it is CANCELED ("CANCELED" is the word).

"... as if it had never existed, before the vibration of truth that replaces it. This is the real basis of the theory of Illusion."

Yes, all of a sudden I understood what they really meant when they said that the physical world as it is is illusory.

…. [T]this experience – which I saw, felt, lived – is that the vibration of truth literally CANCELS the vibration of falsehood, which doesn't exist – it existed only as an illusion for the false consciousness we have.

I don't know if I am making myself understood, but it's very interesting.

[Satprem:]It isn't the world that's illusory, it's the perception ...

It's the perception of the world that's illusory – the perception of the world, the perception we have of it, is illusory. The world has a concrete, real existence in what we could call the Eternal's Consciousness. But we, the human consciousness has an illusory perception of this world.

And when the Vibration of Truth triumphs, you see and have the sense of the true reality of the world; and as I said, that illusory perception disappears immediately. it is canceled.

Which means that their way of saying or thinking or understanding that "all that is has existed from all eternity" isn't ... it isn't "all that is" as they see it and conceive of it, it isn't even the principle of all that is, it is ... it is the ONE Truth that's eternal, and the unfolding ... It's difficult to say.... The unfolding follows a law and a process that are quite different from what we conceive or from what we perceive.

It's the same thing again: Truth is there, Falsehood is there (Mother presses her two hands together); perfection is there, imperfection is there (same gesture); they're perfectly coexistent, in the same place – the minute you perceive perfection, imperfection disappears, the Illusion disappears.

Only, I am not speaking here of a mental conception of some vague and general state: I am referring to that state of infinitesimal vibration (which they discovered when they tried to find the makeup of Matter: that's what they are trying to reduce Matter to), it is that state of vibration, it is THERE, it's in that state of vibration that, for the concrete world, imperfection must be replaced by perfection. Do you understand what I am saying? Or does it make no sense?

[Satprem:]I don't see. You mean it's at that stage, at that level that ...

Yes, it's at that level that the change must take place. At the mental or even vital level, it's a psychological question, it's nothing, it's not really THE THING (it's the thing expressed in a HUMAN consciousness). Because the other day ... the other day, suddenly I went out of humanity. My consciousness went right out of the human consciousness. And then I said to myself, "But ... all that they say, all that they know, all that they have attempted, all that so-called knowledge which has been accumulated on earth, it's nothing! It's something that belongs only to MAN – eliminate man ... and everything exists! And all the explanations man has given about things are like zero." That's it: everything exists.

I had the experience of the universe outside the human perception of that experience; and then the vanity of that human experience was so obvious, you know, that at that point a door began to open onto something else.

All this is perhaps the Lord taking possession of the brain?

It's hard to explain, but as an experience it was extraordinary. You see, we live INSIDE a formation, which was the human – human – formation, all human knowledge.... Because I was beginning to try to find what we know of human life and life on earth: it's almost nothing at all, a very small thing (Sri Aurobindo wrote somewhere that there were billions of years BEFORE). So what we know is practically nil. All right. So, to get out of that. And it led me quite naturally to go out of humanity – out of the earth, of the universe; of the earth that has been the product of all that we know (at any rate we are explaining what happened, what was there). And then suddenly, yes, the futility, the vanity of that knowledge appeared very clearly, and there was a sort of flash of something else.

(Mother goes into that flash and remains in contemplation)


3 May 1969

“[W]hen you see things with [the Supramental] Consciousness, the PERFECTION of the organization is so TREMENDOUS that you are … you’re almost terrified!… We are in the presence of hidden wonders that elude us completely because we’re idiots”   


24 March 1965 

“What precision! Oh, an infinitesimal precision, in the details.” 


29 July 1967 

“Have you sometimes had that kind of very global vision in time and space, in which each thing takes its own place and everything is coordinated by a total consciousness? ...(It must be new for me only.) It is a knowledge-vision. ...[This morning's experience] was rather new, in the sense that I only had it now and then, just like that, but never with that totality, that clarity and that sort of absoluteness. It is the sensation of a self-evident, absolute, indisputable knowledge – it's not "trying to express something: it's SEEING. Seeing, really seeing, but seeing ... not one thing after another: seeing everything at a glance, a totality in space and in time. And every detail with total precision....  [W]hile having the experience, I felt, ‘This is how Sri Aurobindo used to see!’ (Laughing) That must be it!”


Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet 

"Every moment is a perfection. Even in our ignorance. You know, when you really perceive the Divine, when you identify with that, in every moment…it is something just glorious. Because, you see each perfection of each moment. Yes, of course, you cannot live in that consciousness always because you’ve got to deal with the working out process. We are here to do that. So of course you have to come back and deal with the negative things. And you can’t say, ‘Well, no it is all God, it’s all the Divine, it’s all perfect’ — which is what a lot of people have done, as a solution. It isn’t. I mean, you have to respect the Being and the Becoming. And this is another key of this work."  15 June 1986 Stone Ridge, New YorkTHE VISHAAL NEWSLETTER, Volume 1 Number 3, August 1986


"[T]he most important precepts of the truth-conscious Supermind – there is no pretense, no lie, and everything is exactly as it should be, provided we have eyes to see in understanding this perfection at every moment...."  "The Mother’s Chamber, Part Two: An Appeal to America—in defence of the Sacred Feminine"27 July 2015 

Sri Aurobindo

“What the Supramental will do the mind cannot foresee or lay down. The mind is Ignorance seeking for the Truth, the Supramental by its very definition is Truth Consciousness, Truth in possession of itself and fulfilling itself by its own power. In a supramental world imperfection and disharmony are bound to disappear. But what we propose just now is not to make the earth a supramental world but to bring down the supramental as a power and established consciousness in the midst of the rest – to let it work there and fulfil itself as Mind descended into Life and Matter and has worked as a Power there to fulfil itself in the midst of the rest. This will be enough to change the world and to change Nature by breaking down its present limits…when the Light is there, the Light itself will do its work – when the supramental Will stands on earth that Will will decide. It will establish a perfection, a harmony, a Truth-creation…”. – Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga I, CWSA, Vol. 28, pp. 294-95 
