The Shroud of Turin & Jesus's Life in India After Crucifixion

On 28 March 2013, just in time for Good Friday and Easter weekend, a news story has broken regarding a new study indicating that the 'Turin Shroud dates back to Jesus’ era, countering previous data that the linen cloth believed to have Christ’s imprint was a medieval hoax'. [See article by Carol Kuruvilla at New York Daily News]. More information is available from a 27 March 2013 press release of The Mystery of the Shroud - the book by Guilio Fanti that presents this new study. What is not being discussed is the modern-day forensic evidence that also tells the tale that whoever was wrapped in that particular shroud was not dead at the time of being wrapped. So the news story might seem to bring good tidings to Christians who want some proof of Jesus's life and death, but in reality it more clearly exposes the possibility that he did not die as a result of the crucifixion. There are many who believe Jesus actually lived into his 80s in Kashmir, India and was buried there. [See: Jesus Lived in India, and the BBC Documentary Jesus Lived in India?]

Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet discusses these issues and the significance in terms of the evolution and manifestation of Truth-Consciousness on Earth in her most recent articles. Here are a few excerpts [click the links to see the full articles]:

Excerpt from 'The Shroud of Turin Revisited', by Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, 3 March 2013:

'Photographic technology provided astonishing evidence regarding the person who had been wrapped in that particular linen covering, left in the sepulchre Jesus had vacated, but visible in the course of the film developing process only in the negative. Prominent and most worthy of attention is that the crucified man it held was proven by the negative to have been alive at the time he was wrapped and laid in the tomb. This is the astonishing part of the Shroud saga: the negative alone brought forth the full image, back and front, of Jesus. Together with this phenomenal disclosure is a plethora of evidence indicating that the Shroud had indeed held the body of Jesus. This was proven out by the Gospels themselves which have left posterity precise details of the torment Jesus experienced at the hands of his executioners. Leaving no stone unturned, technology seems to have proven that Jesus did not really die on the cross – therefore putting a question mark on the dogma of resurrection itself.

'Already by the 1980s the broad lines of the Shroud’s secret were known. It is fascinating to note that while earlier every attempt had been made through numerous historical documents and scientific experiments to prove the authenticity of the cloth and that it was not a forgery dating from the Middle Ages, as some disbelievers were sustaining, in 1988 a trio of scientists – one from the USA, another from Switzerland, and the third from Great Britain – were given fragments of the cloth and commissioned to establish once and for all if the Shroud was really from the time of Jesus. Their findings, announced on 16.10.1988, proclaimed it to be a forgery. And as far as the Church is concerned, the results of the tests are conclusive.
'However, a number of researchers refused to accept the trio’s findings. Finally, their results have come to be considered inaccurate at best and fraudulent at worst. Since then more serious investigations have been carried out which went far ahead of the earlier research in establishing that there was no corpse enveloped by the cloth but a living person.
'It was forensic science based on its more advanced technological devices that seems to have had the last word because analysis of the blood stains on the cloth clearly indicate that there was circulation in the body to permit scientists to evaluate and analyse the stains left on the cloth. Particularly important is the fact that the evidence indicates a flow after the body was wrapped and laid in the tomb. The flow in a certain direction was the conclusive evidence; there were pockets accumulated in specific places due to the reclining position of the body. All the other details as given in the Gospels regarding the wounds inflicted on Jesus were confirmed. The conclusion first of all is that Jesus himself was wrapped in that very cloth; and second, that he was still alive when taken down from the cross and covered in the Shroud. ...'

Excerpt from 'The Truth of WHAT IS', by Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, 21 March 2013:
'The authors I referred to in The Shroud of Turin Revisited and others are of the belief that a serious wrong has been done by hiding the truths the Shroud contains. They feel that to rectify matters a return to the true teachings of Jesus on this re-discovered foundation is the call of the hour. Details of the life of Jesus after crucifixion seem to lead to India where, as a venerable and saintly Guru, he amassed a certain following and eventually was buried in Kashmir. Proof is provided by a tomb still in existence of one Issa (Jesus) dating from that period. The burial was done in the traditional Jewish manner, in contrast to Hindu and later to Arabic customs. The authors go on to argue that while in India he was greatly influenced by Buddhism, to which they seem to attach more importance than his well-established Essene roots. ...

'We do need to separate fact from fiction. For example, fiction would be the crucifixion of Jesus – if we believe the evidence forensic science has unveiled in the Turin Shroud. Let us assume for arguments sake that the evidence points to a foundational error at the basis of the Christian faith. This error, however, does not really reflect on Jesus himself or his teachings because even the Gospels of his apostles would seem to offer corroborating evidence to suggest that he may not have actually died on the cross. Further, the Time-Spirit clearly played a controlling role in the affair in that just at the time when the Sun was to emerge from its cocoon at the onset of the new Age, photographic and forensic evidence became available to conclusively put that sacred event in its proper perspective.'


  1. "The Docetics Gnostics believed that Jesus didn’t die on the cross, that in the moment of crucifixion he appeared to John and told him that he wasn’t that body of flesh hanging on that cross. That he was his body of light. Interestingly, the first Christian saint to be “stigmatized” was Saint Francis, who was an enneatype seven individual in Naranjo's enneagram: One who accepted pain as part of the path and because of that, became a saint."
    The "vlepage" stands for Victoria LePage. Perhaps you're familiar with her works:


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