Sri Aurobindo's 'Kin' Asked to Leave India
In my last post, 'The Soul: Triply Seeded' I quoted the three mahayogis/authors who are truly my Tribe: Sri Aurobindo, the Mother and Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet. On the 18th of July I found out that Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet was being forced to leave India. The only information I could find in the news was an article in the Times of India titled 'Chile President's aunt asked to leave India', and an article in the Chennai Times of India. I couldn't find a link to it so I will post a picture of the original:

The Times of India announced on 30 July 2009 that the Indian Government will release a special postal stamp on 4 April of next year to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Sri Aurobindo’s arrival in Pondicherry, where he narrowly avoided arrest and deportation by British authorities who considered him a dangerous spoiler of their colonial rule. Coincidentally, the 31st of July 2009 happened to be the 100th anniversary of Sri Aurobindo’s ‘Open Letter to My Countrymen’ which he wrote in response to his year-long imprisonment (May 1908 – May 1909) and the persistent threat of deportation from Indian soil. The letter began:
‘The position of a public man who does his duty in India today is too precarious to permit of his being sure of the morrow. I have recently come out of a year’s seclusion from work for my country on a charge which there was not a scrap of reliable evidence to support, but my acquittal is no security either against the trumping up of a fresh accusation or the arbitrary law of deportation which dispenses with the inconvenient formality of a charge and the still more inconvenient necessity of producing evidence.’Surely some find it interesting that in the same month the government announced their plans to celebrate Sri Aurobindo’s arrival in the safe haven of Pondicherry, they sent police to the door of Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, telling her she had four and a half days (two business days) to leave the country or she would be arrested. Ms. Norelli-Bachelet, a resident of India since 1971, is recognized by many in India and throughout the world as an essential continuation of Sri Aurobindo’s yoga, and especially as an extension of his will towards uplifting the Sanatana Dharma and the true Vedic idea that has been lost on Indians and the rest of the world alike for aeons....
The full article is posted HERE.
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Powerful stuff.
ReplyDeleteAnd well written
-Greg T
Great research....An irony that all efforts of connecting Hindu to his true roots are termed fanatic. Tamilnadu is fast on its way to Christiandom and this explains such clashes