Operation Al Aqsa Flood: Signs and Symbols of the Vedic Apocalypse ~ Part 3.1 ~ The Vedic Symbolism of the Islamic Hajj
A top-down view of the Kaaba and congregations gathered around it to pray. Attributed to Abdullah Yahya. ( x.com ) Links to Full Series For anyone not familiar with the term “Hajj,” it refers to the Islamic pilgrimage to the Kaaba ( Baitullah ). As discussed in Part Two , Kaaba is the sacred center of Mecca ( Makkah ), considered by Muslims to be the Earthly representation of God’s home ( Bayt al-Ma'mur ) in the seventh heaven. Muslims are expected to pray towards the Kaaba five times a day regardless of where they are on the planet. Performing the Hajj at least once is considered to be mandatory for all Muslims who are able to make the journey. Pilgrims are expected to set a divine intention, perform a physical and spiritual purification ritual and then put on prescribed clothing which is white for men, symbolizing purity, and white or black, or some combination thereof, for women. After this purification ritual, involving various prohibitions, the pilgrims ( hajjis ) circle or ci...