Operation Al Aqsa Flood: Signs and Symbols of the Vedic Apocalypse ~ Part 3.2 ~ The Vedic Symbolism of the Islamic Hajj
The three stone pillars ( al Jamarat ) of the Islamic Hajj, www.islamiclandmarks.com Links to the Full Series A Quick Recap For any who are reading this part of the series before reading the previous parts or any of my post-2016 writings, I have been discussing the zodiacal and geometric sense of the Vedic Apocalypse, unveiling, or release of all manner of trapped treasures and higher Light, catalyzed by the birth and victory of the Divine Son, Sage, Warrior-Hero—the ONE god called by MANY NAMES—from which hail all post-Vedic religious mythologies and lore of a world savior, avatar, son, sage, prophet, teacher, conqueror, purifier, healer, unifier, etc., who cleanses the world of its falsehood or evil. Based on the revelations and avataric yoga of Sri Aurobindo, the Mother, and Thea (Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet), I understand this prophesied victory, birth, seat, or apocalypse of the Divine Sage-Son by whatever name, as a symbol of the emergence or birth of Mankind’s di...